Architect, Team Lead Developer
- Saint Petersburg, Russia
- Date of birthday: April 1, 1982 (42 years old)
- Children: son (10 years old)
- Experience: 21 years and 2 mounths

1999 — 2004 — The Bonch-Bruevich Saint Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
Saint Petersburg, Russian,
Department: Radio Reception, Broadcasting and TV
Specialty: Engineer
JSC "Kama"
Saint Petersburg, Russia,
September 2022 — September 2024 (2 years 1 mounths)
Position: Information Systems Architect
Developing of system software for in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system of ATOM electric vehicle.
- Develop architecture of in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) system of ATOM electric vehicle.
- Participated in nomination of IVI supplier and evaluation of technical risks.
- Develop software architecture within functional safety of road vehicles ISO 26262.
- Established and managed system software development team.
- Conducted interviews for C++ and Embedded developer positions.
- Established software developing processes and guidelines.
- Set and agreed technical requirements for suppliers to develop software.
- Built and studied Kaspersky OS for IVI software development.
- Built FreeRTOS, analyzed and prototyped applicability of usage on ST STM32F103x Cortex-M3 MCU.
- Built Automotive Grade Linux (AGL), analyzed and prototyped applicability of usage on NXP iMX8x Cortex-A53 CPU.
DXC Luxoft
Saint Petersburg, Russia,,
August 2018 — August 2022 (4 years 1 mounths)
Department: Automotive
Position: Team Lead, Lead С/С++ Developer
- Participated in Volkswagen iSSW project.
- Led and inspired Development Quality team.
- Developed software in scope of ASIPCE.
- Planed and controlled execution of Scrum sprints, quarter activities.
- Managed tasks and their definitions of done.
- Did code review, and tasks review.
- Communicated with the customer, presented bi-weekly achievements.
- Prepared and presented technical proposals to the customer, evaluated their risks, and efforts.
- Planed short-, medium-, long-term perspectives for the development stream.
- Prepared quality guidelines – C++ Coding Guidelines, Git workflow, Static Code Analysis approach, Unit Tests development, ASPICE usage.
- Conducted interviews for C/C++ developer positions, participated in definition of a check list and a skill matrix for the developers of VAG projects of the company.
- Organized communication across project teams – Testers, DevOps, Architecture teams.
- Interacted with the project management to setup goals and direction of the team.
- Participated in AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform consortium.
- Was Code Owner of Function Clusters of Execution Management & OS, and Identity and Access Management of AUTOSAR Adaptive Reference Platform.
- Participated in AUTOSAR Central Coding Team and Execution Management & OS working groups.
- Developed AUTOSAR Adaptive Platform Demonstrator in scope of Execution Management & OS requirements.
- Developed requirements and specification of Execution Management & OS functional cluster.
- Participating in BMW Body R&D project.
- Implemented supporting of FreeRTOS for TI AM65x/DRA80xM Cortex-R5F MCU based on TI Jacinto 7 SoC.
- Developed and integrated low-level drivers for FreeRTOS.
- Integrated TCP/IP stack for FreeRTOS.
- Developed a proposal of program design for the customer target system.
Baigudin Software
Saint Petersburg, Russia,
July 2014 — till present (10 years 8 mounths)
Position: Founder, Software Developer
Designing, implementing, and maintenance software solutions of the project.
- EOOS is Embedded Object Operating System – an object-oriented real-time operating system (RTOS) for critical embedded systems based on single or multi-core microprocessors.
- Reserved copyrights in Rospatent.
- Designed an architecture of the operating system.
- Implemented the operating system kernel and its services.
- Implemented drivers of the operating system.
- Implemented API of the operating system.
- Implemented a template class library.
- Analyzed MISRA C++ rules violations.
- EOOS for POSIX and Win32 API – C++ libraries for Unix and Windows OS families for developing portable applications based on the EOOS API.
- Designed and implemented the libraries.
- Developed unit tests the libraries.
- Elaborated an approach for developing portable applications for RTOS, Unix and Windows OS families.
- EOOS for FreeRTOS API – C++ libraries for real-time OS FreeRTOS.
- Designed and implemented the libraries.
- Implemented supporting ST STM32F103x MCUs.
- Implemented drivers for ST STM32F103x MCUs.
- BOOS Core – an object-oriented real-time operating kernel for embedded microprocessor-based systems.
- Designed an architecture of the operating kernel.
- Implemented the kernel and its services.
- Implemented user and system libraries.
- Implemented drivers of hardware modules for the kernel.
- Implemented TI TMS320C64x+ DSPs, TI TMS320C64x DSPs, TI TMS320C28x DSCs, TI AM18x ARM MPUs processors supporting.
- Finalist of Kaspersky Start 2017 accelerating program.
- BOOS Microbe Core – real-time operating kernel for critical embedded systems based on 8-bit microprocessors.
- Designed an architecture of the operating kernel.
- Implemented the kernel and its services.
- Implemented drivers of hardware modules for the kernel.
- Implemented SL C8051F90x MCUs processors supporting.
- Analyzed MISRA C rules violations.
- Implemented a Pulse-width modulator (PWM) driver for TI TMS320C28x3x DSCs.
- Implemented an Analog-to-digital converter (ADC) driver for TI TMS320C28x3x DSCs.
The Fort Regional Centre for Information Protection
Saint Petersburg, Russia,
May 2008 — August 2018 (10 years 4 mounths)
Position: Chief of Laboratory of System Software Development, Chief of Department of Operating System Development, Senior Developer, Developer
Developing embedded software solutions for cryptographically protecting computer network information.
- Managed laboratory of system software and operating systems development.
- Analyzed technical requirements of customers.
- Developed technical and commercial proposals for customers.
- Implemented FAT32/16 file systems.
- Implemented USB device drivers of mass-storage, printer, keyboard, and mouse devices.
- Implemented a USB bus driver.
- Implemented USB host controller drivers of Philips ISP 176x, and NEC μdp720150 chips.
- Implemented LCD displays, keyboards, chip card, and RNG device drivers.
- Implemented an operating system kernel for TI AM1808 ARM microcontroller.
- Implemented multi-processors and multi-threads software for booting operating system, testing data integrity, and controlling hardware environment.
- Implemented cryptographic algorithms in TI TMS320C64x assembler programming language.
- Implemented software tests for debugging hardware.
- Designed specialized inter-board exchange communication protocols.
Syntacs Web Studio
Saint Petersburg, Russia,
December 2010 — June 2014 (3 years 7 mounths)
Position: Technical Director
Developing Internet solutions.
- Implemented Content Manager System (CMS) for tasks of the studio.
- Implemented PHP DOM Builder library for generating valid HTML documents and those operating.
- Implemented commercial web sites.
- Implemented MySQL database structures.
- Implemented web animation algorithms.
- Implemented user interfaces included asynchronous algorithms.
- Implemented W3C validated HTML markup of web pages.
- Operated with customers.
NPO Impuls
Saint Petersburg, Russia,
October 2006 — May 2008 (1 year 7 mounth)
Position: Engineer
- Implemented software in TI TMS320c50 assembler for operating a multiplex channel controller.
- Implemented software procedures in TI TMS320c25 assembler for embedded systems.
Russian Army
October 2004 — October 2006 (2 years)
Position: Senior military officer.
NPO Impuls
Saint Petersburg, Russia,
January 2004 — September 2004 (9 mounths)
Position: Engineer, Internship
- Implemented software procedures in TI TMS320c25 assembler for embedded systems.
- Had an internship.
- Programming languages: C/C++, Assembler, Python, PHP, JavaScript, MySQL, Java, Xtend.
- Web expertise: JSON, XML, HTML, CSS, jQuery, AJAX.
- Automotive: AUTOSAR Adaptive and Classic, MISRA C/C++, ASPICE, ISO-26262.
- IDE: VS Code, CCStudio, IAR Workbench, Eclipse, PCAD.
- Tools: Git, Svn, CMake, Make, MSBuild, Maven, POM, Yocto, BitBake.
- Processors: ST STM32F103x, NXP iMX8x, TI AM65x/DRA80xM Jacinto 7 SoC, TI 66AK2x (TMS320C66x DSP + ARM Cortex-A15 MPU Cores), TI TMS320C6000, TI TMS320C2000, TI AM18x ARM, SL C8051F90x, ATMEL SAMA5D3x, ST STR91xFA, TI TMS320c5x.
- System buses: USB, Ethernet, RGMII, GMII, MII, MDIO, RapidIO, ISA, I2C, 1-wire, RS-232.
- Protocols: Ethernet, IP, TCP, UDP, Socket.
- Other: work with oscilloscope, read and analyze electric circuits.
- Languages: Native Russian, Advanced English (prepared for the FCE exam).
Sergey Baigudin
+7 921 907 64 32